“Major Elonne, Santa is very busy. It is nearly Christmas Eve and therestill is much to do,” said Captain Timothy, a stubborn look on his handsomebrown face. Without waiting for approval, she breezed past him and approachedSanta’s chair. “Santa I know you are very busy, as are we all. But I haveheard troubling talk in the village that Zokahorn and his army of evil elves isplanning to destroy Christmas Land on Christmas Eve,” Elonne reported.“Elonne, do you mean the evil king of the land that lies below theocean far east of Christmas Land?” Santa inquired; a serious look on his face.“Yes sir, it is that same evil creature. Acting on a tip, my reindeer Riley and I flew our magic sleigh over the mountains at our eastern border to see if there was any truth to the rumor. I was surprised to see that he has already built a fort high up in the snowcapped mountains.”